Sunday, April 15, 2007

Self Reflection Dilemmas

Hi bloggers,
I hope everyone had a great easter….well I had a grand one…when around the island…and was wasted the whole of the week. Despite this, I had managed finished writing the Assignment 1 (Item 2a) and have now started working on the self reflection of discussions in the course neviroment.

Just today, I had finished drawing up the concept map of the software I have and use at the workplace using MindMapping. It was easy…but not exciting. I still wonder why did use Mindmapping…I could have done it without…or perhaps I very good to paying attention to details or may be I always look at things from a holistic point….but for my mindmapping didn’t make any sense….

Isnt it difficult to self reflect ur own work, I mean choosing the best of ur discussions which I have contributed into the course discussion forum. Well for me, I think its unfair to all my other postings to just pick some from there and say that’s my best of the contributions…..well I have to do this.

I just realized that I also have to state the pros and cons of online discussion forums ….thus I have to do some more readings on that subject but I guess it will be easy and I should be able to finish my Assignment 1 by the end of this week….well I hope so…considering that I have to migrate 27 course from WebCT to Moodle LMS and then reformat it to the new template…
But I think I can manage.

I have noticed that the discussions in the course forum is getting very quite….very few postings per day compared to how it started off…..i guess fellow students must be busy with Assignment 1 or ?????

Anywaz, I am anticipating to be wide awake once everyone is ready…I m eagerly awaiting the discussions in the online debate sections……long live the forums.

Well that’s it for today….



Ghassan said...
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Ghassan said...

Hi Javed again...

I know you are extremely busy in all the work you are currently doing.. But, i would appreciate some comments on my blog. The topic is on integrating technology in classroom...


Ghassan said...

Hi Javed,

I had a great break from everything including the USQ course. I am little bit behind in my assignment but I am hoping I will be able to finish all the requirement on time, Insha Allah.

I use a software from Microsoft called Visio which does similar functions to mindmapping. If you have not used it then give it a try and see how you compare it to mindmapping software.

As for the discussion boards, i am feeling little bit lost about the contribution aspect of the course. I feel people are posting everywhere and there is no structure in place for every week.. It could be only me ;)

I appreciate your sending me all moodle links. I am given it my first try in setting up online course using moodle..I am sure I will need your advice and help in the future...

Thanks Javed.. and good luck in migrating all the webct courses...


Therese said...

Hi Javed,
Yeah I noticed that things around the discussion area have gone quiet, but I too probably haven't posted anything for a while.

Do you agree it gets quite difficult at times to time manage your classroom and complete the study as well?? Sometimes the candle is burning long after it goes out.

Asray said...

Hi Javed,
We didn't have an easter break at all I was working hard on my conference website at that time. I liked your organised way of blogging.
I have used inspiration to create my concept maps. That's a good program as well. try it ou.

Hi Ghasan regarding your concern if you would like to in the beginning of the Discussion boards you can see a lilnk to All topics & All my posts. That will give you a link to all that you have posted & when you open individual message you can see the complete thread. That will be an ideal place to look for your posts

Michael Liu said...

Hi Javed

Pleasure to read your blog and catch up on other people's blogs and get to know more about my fellow 'virtual' classmates!

I'm well behind in this particular module "Computer Based Resources in Education" and I spent Easter 'trying' to catch up! However, I did go to Krabi at the end of April for about a week!

The discussions have been rather quiet but there's still so much I have yet to read and I'll try my best to make some of my own contributions.

If you're not too busy, drop by my blog at:

See ya around...
